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MIHI consists of two different ministries, Disciples in Training (DIT) and Disciples of Christ
(DOC). Disciples in Training teaches teens 13-18 what it means and how to live as a disciple for Christ.
These teens attend Christian Boot Camp with classes that help develop their mind, body and soul such
as Bible education, ballroom dance choreography, personal hygiene and purity classes. They also must
complete community service hours as part of their training in discipleship and evangelism. Once a child
completes the DIT program they graduate with a cotillion ball and purity ring ceremony to become a
Debutant and Master DOC .

The Disciples of Christ program allows the youth to implement what they learned as a DIT inside and
outside of the church. As a DOC focus is placed on being a leader and a stronger soldier as we follow the
teachings of Jesus Christ according to the Bible.

So God created man in His own image; in the image of God He created him; male and female He created them.

Genesis 1:27 NKJV